Untitled by Smiley Y12

We are born, but no one taught us how to live our lives. There are no books nor manuals nor tutorial videos, its just us, nature and the people and inventions that surround us. But, how we can go through life alive without any previous knowledge?

Its not about reading, nor studying, nor getting good grades at school. Smart people don’t know more of life than someone who isn’t that smart. Everyone knows the same things but from different perspectives. 
We were brought to the world in the same conditions: naked. It is up to us to make the best of our lives. We may fall, struggle, roll, jump, climb and much more. But it depends on us the road that we take. We won’t know what to do in the moment, but time will teach us how and what to do in this world.
We might face times where we say “why is this happening to me? why no one taught me how to handle this circumstance?”; but with time to heal and think, we will realize that we didn’t know because it was the circumstance that was meant to teach us how to handle the situation and how to move on. 
So don’t worry about the future, don’t panic if there is a struggling situation, no one is better for getting back up than you, so take your time and move forward. Live in the moment and enjoy little things, cause at the end, it is the collection of little wonderful things, experiences and lessons that incentives us to continue moving and makes life worth living.